I'm here, really I am. It has been a whirlwind Christmas, New Year and Boot-camp Graduation. Now we are home and back to work and as you can imagine we have been playing catch-up with laundry and chores around the house. We started our trip towards San Antonio, TX the day after Christmas. Making several stops along the way to visit family we have not seen a while. First stop my Aunt’s. We were dropping off my nephew off to stay with her. Traveling for almost 3 weeks is not his cup of tea. He looks so cool here with my pink blanket don't you think? :o)
Next stop was of course In and Out!!! 3 times mind you, in less than 24 hours!
After the second In and Out we arrived at another one of my Aunt’s. It was nice to visit with my Aunt, Uncle and one of their daughters. They had not met my Hubby yet so it was nice for him to finally meet them.
Early afternoon the next day we drove on to the next visiting stop…our oldest Granddaughter. We were thrilled to see her ride her horse. She is so good with her animals. It was sooo very nice to visit with her and see she is growing up to be a very poised and beautiful teen. You’re doing a great job Mom and Dad!!! Wow, already a teen!!! They grow up fast.
Then it was on to Southern California to my Hubbies Aunt’s house. His Aunt and Uncle were so generous with letting us stay with them while we were in Southern California. We tried to cook for them or take them out to dinner but were not so successful. We managed to cook for them one night out of 4 nights. We did most of our visiting with them in the afternoon and night. We spent the mornings and early afternoons visiting my Hubbies brother and his kids. Three babies had been born since we had seen the kids. It was nice to meet the new wee-ones. :o)
After a busy 4 days in Southern California we headed to Blythe, CA to visit another one of my Aunts. She is actually my Great-Aunt. I love saying that. Anyway her and my Uncle showed us around Quartzite, AZ. I have always wanted to go there but have never made it. The official event had not started yet but folks were moving in. There was still a lot to see even though it was early. One of my favorite things, ROCKS, they had millions of them. The Rock show was going on. I LOVED it!
After two days there we headed towards San Antonio, TX. It took us 2 days. First night we stayed in Las Cruces, NM. Unfortunately we arrived in the late evening so we didn’t get to sight see. We had a very nice dinner at Cracker-barrel and a good night’s rest. The next morning we were on the road early with the goal of making it to San Antonio. We arrived late and checked into the hotel went and had dinner then to bed. We were pretty tired. Here is the most interesting picture from California to San Antonio, TX. It is of the Arizona desert.
I will finish giving details of our trip tomorrow... :o)