*Hanging with the Nephew...he is finishing up his College Credits for going into the Navy. He only has two more weeks to go. Yea for him! We are very proud of him.
*Putting in the Garden
*Spring cleaning the yard
*Being sick and getting well...I had the privilege of having a colonoscopy. :o) Things were fine. Larry has been diagnosed with Diabetes. We are trying to control it with diet and exercise. He even said he is going to quit smoking! Yea!!! But we need to get the sugars under control first. We will be going to the specialist next week and hopefully get more info. He is doing fine but could use your prayers.
It seems like not much of a list but I tell you we have been very busy! This year the yard is shaping up well. The flowers are gorgeous and the garden is easier to handle. We decide this year to put down straw until lawn clippings were available. This is keeping the crazy growing weeds at bay so far. :o)
JT is doing good at Tech school and is headed home mid June for a couple of working weeks. Not sure how much we will see him but I will take what I can get. :o) Then off to Florida he goes. I plan on taking loads of pictures when he is here. I am sure I will get a dirty look or two. HeHe :o)
For your viewing pleasure the following pictures are of the flowers and the garden. Enjoy!!!
P.S. Thanks to my Aunties who supplied the Iris's and fusia colored Peonies. Love Them!!!!! Oh, love you too Aunties! ;o)
The mowers, oh, I mean the cows arriving for the summer ;o).....
The following rose is a Mr. Lincoln that was my Great Grandma's :o)
This variegated Pink Peony has not bloomed since our wedding. I have had it in a flower pot. It was not so happy with that. It is sooooo pretty!
Here are the Iris's that my Aunties gave me. The Iris's love the spot I put them in. They are filling in the flower bed nicely...
Here are the fuchsia colored Peonies....Gorgeous!!!
Finally a picture of the beginning plantings of the garden. Sorry, not such a great picture but I am working taking better ones. I will post updates as things grow. We are sooo excited about the garden this year. I think it is because we know we will have less weeds and more veggies. :o)
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Happy Summer!!!