I have had hip pain for years, 12+!! I recently switched Doctors because I was getting nowhere with a solution to the problem.
My new Doc is great! She investigated as much as she could and when everything came back normal she sent me to an Orthopedic Surgeon.
He said my symptoms were those of a Labral Tear! I had an MRI...hope I never have to have one of those again. The results came back and sure enough there it was plain as could be, a Labral Tear!
Yea!!! An answer to my problem!!! With a solution!!!! I have been in pain for so long it's hard to believe that I am going to get relief! To get relief I need to have Arthroscopic Surgery. I am soooo excited!!!!! I never thought I would say I am excited to have surgery. :)
What a great Christmas gift!!! :)
Here is what an Labral Tear looks like...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
A post of pictures showing what I have been knitting and crocheting....
This was inspired by a scarf that Miss Marple, Geraldine McEwan, wears in several episodes.
This is for a nephew.
This is for my step daughter. Green Bay Fan! :)
A couple of books marks for someone special. ;)
A one skein crocheted scarf for my local LYS.
If you want to find out more about the patterns you can go to my Ravelry shannonspurls.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Yes, I have done it again! I have started a new blog! :)
Why start another blog you ask? Well, too many weirdos wanting to post and emailing my blogger account. Third times a charm right? ;)
What's with the name, shannonspurls? As you might know I am a knitter and I also LOVE pearls!!! So two of my favorite things wrapped up into one name. I love all kinds of jewelry but pearls just make my heart sing. Like this pearl here...
What's with the name, shannonspurls? As you might know I am a knitter and I also LOVE pearls!!! So two of my favorite things wrapped up into one name. I love all kinds of jewelry but pearls just make my heart sing. Like this pearl here...
Isn't she pretty? You can go here to see more beauties!
I have imported all the posts from my two other blogs so if your dieing to read old posts you can. I wanted to house them here for posterity sake. :)
Well, that wraps up my first post on my new blog. Boring I know but a beginning.
Hope your all having a wonderful Holiday Season!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A 4th of July Wedding
Edited post: Pictures have been removed by blogspot.
On the 4th of July my cousin was married. Over a year ago I offered to do her cake. I like making wedding cakes. It seems I do at least one a year. I only make them for friends and family. I have thought of going into business but I am not sure I could do wedding cakes on a full time basis. Lots of work. Anyway, here are the pictures from the wedding....
The Cake..........
Just Married ;o)...........
Food Fight!!!!!!!!!
Amazingly enough neither one of them got cake on their cloths and it got pretty crazy. There was however lots of Chocolate cake on the walls behind them. See no cake in sight....
Mother of the Bride, the Bride and the Brides Brother....
Here is a picture of the Brides family....
It was nice to see everyone and it was a gorgeous day for the happy couple. :o)
Tomorrow I will post some of the canning I have been doing. I just took the Apricot Leather out of the dehydrator...Yummmmm.
On the 4th of July my cousin was married. Over a year ago I offered to do her cake. I like making wedding cakes. It seems I do at least one a year. I only make them for friends and family. I have thought of going into business but I am not sure I could do wedding cakes on a full time basis. Lots of work. Anyway, here are the pictures from the wedding....
The Cake..........
Just Married ;o)...........
Food Fight!!!!!!!!!
Amazingly enough neither one of them got cake on their cloths and it got pretty crazy. There was however lots of Chocolate cake on the walls behind them. See no cake in sight....
Mother of the Bride, the Bride and the Brides Brother....
Here is a picture of the Brides family....
It was nice to see everyone and it was a gorgeous day for the happy couple. :o)
Tomorrow I will post some of the canning I have been doing. I just took the Apricot Leather out of the dehydrator...Yummmmm.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A fun filled visit!
Edited post: Pictures have been removed by blogspot.
We had a great visit with the boy while he was home. :o) He didn't have to work very much so he was able to hang with his friends and us more. Here are few pictures of his time home...
Silly boys...Blair's friend is at Navy Bootcamp and the boys decided to mail him cards with Air Force, Army and Marines stickers all over the outside of the envelops.We had a great visit with the boy while he was home. :o) He didn't have to work very much so he was able to hang with his friends and us more. Here are few pictures of his time home...
Here they are just hanging out...
We didn't get a picture of the 3 of us with Hubby while the boy was in his uniform. I never got him to hold still for a picture in his Dress Blues....that rascal!!!
This picture will have to do.Here is a picture of a water fall at the Portland Japanese Gardens. We went there the day before we took Josh to the Airport.
After going to the Japensese Gardens we had dinner with Hubbies Brother and Family. It was good company and a good dinner. A funny thing happened while at dinner...at the next table was a Highschool classmate of mine from Washington! It was too funny. He was visiting his brother in Portland. :) Small world. I didn't get a picture of him but I asked a stranger to take one of the family together :o)
Well, besides visiting with the kid and family we really didn't do much. I wish I could have gotten more pictures while he was home but the ones I did get will do. He is at his new home now and settling in just fine. He seems to be enjoying his work but has not done a whole lot yet, still doing inprocessing.
Tomorrow I will post pictures of my cousins wedding we went to over the 4th. I did her wedding cake also. :o)
Hope everyone is having a great summer!
Friday, June 12, 2009
He is headed home!!
JT is headed to the west coast as we speak. He flies into Seattle today in about a half an hour! He will spend a couple days there visiting family then head home Sunday on the Greyhound. :o)
We are very excited to see our Airman and will enjoy every busy minute of the next two weeks with him. He then heads to the East Coast to his duty station in Florida.
Soooo excited!!! I will post pictures soon. :o)
Hope your all enjoying your summer. The weather here is warm and things are really growing in the garden. It seems they are growing inches daily! We are eating peas straight from the plants. Not enough are ripe to freeze yet, but soon. Maybe tomorrow. :)
We are very excited to see our Airman and will enjoy every busy minute of the next two weeks with him. He then heads to the East Coast to his duty station in Florida.
Soooo excited!!! I will post pictures soon. :o)
Hope your all enjoying your summer. The weather here is warm and things are really growing in the garden. It seems they are growing inches daily! We are eating peas straight from the plants. Not enough are ripe to freeze yet, but soon. Maybe tomorrow. :)
Really I have been knitting and crocheting...
Here are a few of the things I have done since my last post....
A bag for my Auntie
A washcloth for a crochet class I taught at the local LYS...
A few washcloths for Mother's Day gifts for a few girlfriends...

A couple book worms for the crochet class I taught at the local LYS...
Preemie Hats for a friend's twins...
A afghan for a niece and her hubby for Christmas...

A stole made with sock yarn...
My new favorite triangle shawl. I made two of these in the blue color. I will make many more of these in my life I am sure. So easy and enjoyable to make.

I didn't realize I had done so much in the past few months until I was creating this post. I know I always say this but I will try to post more. My goal would be at least twice a month from now on that way I won't have so many pictures to upload. It takes soooo long.
It is gardening time so the needles and hook are not as busy. I do have a couple of projects on the needles though...socks and two stoles. :o) Pictures of them later.
Hope everyone is having a wonder Summer!
A bag for my Auntie
A washcloth for a crochet class I taught at the local LYS...
A few washcloths for Mother's Day gifts for a few girlfriends...
A couple book worms for the crochet class I taught at the local LYS...
Preemie Hats for a friend's twins...
A afghan for a niece and her hubby for Christmas...
A stole made with sock yarn...
My new favorite triangle shawl. I made two of these in the blue color. I will make many more of these in my life I am sure. So easy and enjoyable to make.
I didn't realize I had done so much in the past few months until I was creating this post. I know I always say this but I will try to post more. My goal would be at least twice a month from now on that way I won't have so many pictures to upload. It takes soooo long.
It is gardening time so the needles and hook are not as busy. I do have a couple of projects on the needles though...socks and two stoles. :o) Pictures of them later.
Hope everyone is having a wonder Summer!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
It's been awhile....
What have we been up to? Well, here is the list.....
*Hanging with the Nephew...he is finishing up his College Credits for going into the Navy. He only has two more weeks to go. Yea for him! We are very proud of him.
*Putting in the Garden
*Spring cleaning the yard
*Being sick and getting well...I had the privilege of having a colonoscopy. :o) Things were fine. Larry has been diagnosed with Diabetes. We are trying to control it with diet and exercise. He even said he is going to quit smoking! Yea!!! But we need to get the sugars under control first. We will be going to the specialist next week and hopefully get more info. He is doing fine but could use your prayers.
It seems like not much of a list but I tell you we have been very busy! This year the yard is shaping up well. The flowers are gorgeous and the garden is easier to handle. We decide this year to put down straw until lawn clippings were available. This is keeping the crazy growing weeds at bay so far. :o)
JT is doing good at Tech school and is headed home mid June for a couple of working weeks. Not sure how much we will see him but I will take what I can get. :o) Then off to Florida he goes. I plan on taking loads of pictures when he is here. I am sure I will get a dirty look or two. HeHe :o)
For your viewing pleasure the following pictures are of the flowers and the garden. Enjoy!!!
P.S. Thanks to my Aunties who supplied the Iris's and fusia colored Peonies. Love Them!!!!! Oh, love you too Aunties! ;o)

The mowers, oh, I mean the cows arriving for the summer ;o).....

The following rose is a Mr. Lincoln that was my Great Grandma's :o)

This variegated Pink Peony has not bloomed since our wedding. I have had it in a flower pot. It was not so happy with that. It is sooooo pretty!

Here are the Iris's that my Aunties gave me. The Iris's love the spot I put them in. They are filling in the flower bed nicely...

Here are the fuchsia colored Peonies....Gorgeous!!!

Finally a picture of the beginning plantings of the garden. Sorry, not such a great picture but I am working taking better ones. I will post updates as things grow. We are sooo excited about the garden this year. I think it is because we know we will have less weeds and more veggies. :o)

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Happy Summer!!!
*Hanging with the Nephew...he is finishing up his College Credits for going into the Navy. He only has two more weeks to go. Yea for him! We are very proud of him.
*Putting in the Garden
*Spring cleaning the yard
*Being sick and getting well...I had the privilege of having a colonoscopy. :o) Things were fine. Larry has been diagnosed with Diabetes. We are trying to control it with diet and exercise. He even said he is going to quit smoking! Yea!!! But we need to get the sugars under control first. We will be going to the specialist next week and hopefully get more info. He is doing fine but could use your prayers.
It seems like not much of a list but I tell you we have been very busy! This year the yard is shaping up well. The flowers are gorgeous and the garden is easier to handle. We decide this year to put down straw until lawn clippings were available. This is keeping the crazy growing weeds at bay so far. :o)
JT is doing good at Tech school and is headed home mid June for a couple of working weeks. Not sure how much we will see him but I will take what I can get. :o) Then off to Florida he goes. I plan on taking loads of pictures when he is here. I am sure I will get a dirty look or two. HeHe :o)
For your viewing pleasure the following pictures are of the flowers and the garden. Enjoy!!!
P.S. Thanks to my Aunties who supplied the Iris's and fusia colored Peonies. Love Them!!!!! Oh, love you too Aunties! ;o)
The mowers, oh, I mean the cows arriving for the summer ;o).....
The following rose is a Mr. Lincoln that was my Great Grandma's :o)
This variegated Pink Peony has not bloomed since our wedding. I have had it in a flower pot. It was not so happy with that. It is sooooo pretty!
Here are the Iris's that my Aunties gave me. The Iris's love the spot I put them in. They are filling in the flower bed nicely...
Here are the fuchsia colored Peonies....Gorgeous!!!
Finally a picture of the beginning plantings of the garden. Sorry, not such a great picture but I am working taking better ones. I will post updates as things grow. We are sooo excited about the garden this year. I think it is because we know we will have less weeds and more veggies. :o)
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Happy Summer!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Still Crocheting...
I am still working on the crocheted blanket for my niece and her hubby.
I started a Lacy Stole but had to rip it out. :o(
A knitting friend mentioned I should put markers throughout the pattern...good plan. I am also going to use a piece of scrap yarn to hold a row. That way if I have to rip I only have to rip to the held row. :o)
I am knitting with Manos del Uruguay Manos Silk Blend colorway 6958 I love this yarn. It is so soft and wonderful to knit with. I think I need to acuire more. :o)
Until next time.
I started a Lacy Stole but had to rip it out. :o(
A knitting friend mentioned I should put markers throughout the pattern...good plan. I am also going to use a piece of scrap yarn to hold a row. That way if I have to rip I only have to rip to the held row. :o)
I am knitting with Manos del Uruguay Manos Silk Blend colorway 6958 I love this yarn. It is so soft and wonderful to knit with. I think I need to acuire more. :o)
Until next time.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A couple projects behind me....
I just finished, yesterday, putting the fringe on this shawl.

I really like how it turned out. I used Caron Simply Soft color way Black. The pattern is Seraphina's Shawl By Doni's Stuff It was hard at first but once I continued the rounds it was a breeze. I will be making more of these in different colors. I used 4 (6oz.) skeins completely and then I used about 1/3 of the 5th skein for this shawl. She wanted it very long and she is a tall girl. I think it would make a nice size with just 4 skeins.
The next item I finished way before Christmas...The Leopard Bag for my Aunt. I made this pattern up...

My nephew is holding it for me. The handles have not been put on yet. I am going to send it to my Aunt and she is going to put a fabric lining in. I am not good at matching fabrics and yarn. If I were to do this bag again I might make the spots smaller and maybe put a fun fur trim on the top of it.
I have also started some washcloths. Before Christmas I did one for my LYS to put in the shop for display. By the time I got it there the yarn was all sold. Everyone had the same idea as me. :o) The pattern is Knitted Lacy Round Cloth the yarn I used was Bernat Handicrafter Holiday "Ombres" I can't find a link to that yarn.

For this one I used Cascade Yarns Cotton Rich colorway # 8176

Here is my lastest project. It is a crocheted afghan. Half-double crochet with the Q hook. I am useing 3 strands of Caron One Pounder Deep Violet and 1 strand of Jumbo Prints Ombre Evening Jewels. It is a squishy, snuggly afghan and a quick crochet.

Well, that is what I have been up to and now I am working on finding another project to work on along with the Q hook afghan. I need a couple to choose from at all times. :o)
Until next time.....
I really like how it turned out. I used Caron Simply Soft color way Black. The pattern is Seraphina's Shawl By Doni's Stuff It was hard at first but once I continued the rounds it was a breeze. I will be making more of these in different colors. I used 4 (6oz.) skeins completely and then I used about 1/3 of the 5th skein for this shawl. She wanted it very long and she is a tall girl. I think it would make a nice size with just 4 skeins.
The next item I finished way before Christmas...The Leopard Bag for my Aunt. I made this pattern up...
My nephew is holding it for me. The handles have not been put on yet. I am going to send it to my Aunt and she is going to put a fabric lining in. I am not good at matching fabrics and yarn. If I were to do this bag again I might make the spots smaller and maybe put a fun fur trim on the top of it.
I have also started some washcloths. Before Christmas I did one for my LYS to put in the shop for display. By the time I got it there the yarn was all sold. Everyone had the same idea as me. :o) The pattern is Knitted Lacy Round Cloth the yarn I used was Bernat Handicrafter Holiday "Ombres" I can't find a link to that yarn.
For this one I used Cascade Yarns Cotton Rich colorway # 8176
Here is my lastest project. It is a crocheted afghan. Half-double crochet with the Q hook. I am useing 3 strands of Caron One Pounder Deep Violet and 1 strand of Jumbo Prints Ombre Evening Jewels. It is a squishy, snuggly afghan and a quick crochet.
Well, that is what I have been up to and now I am working on finding another project to work on along with the Q hook afghan. I need a couple to choose from at all times. :o)
Until next time.....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
2nd part of our Trip...Lackland AFB
After having a restful evening we searched out for breakfast and then headed to Lackland Air Force Base. We needed to get our Base Pass changed to a day early because we were staying on base at the Air Force Inns. This was a great tip emailed to me by another Mom who knew you could stay on base. When our son had a Base Pass we were not allowed to take him off base. So, instead of hanging out at the small mini-malls...where everyone else was hanging out...we went back to the room. He was able to get some zzzz's and get on the internet with our Laptop. Civilization!! He was so tired. 
This picture was taken on Friday after taking care of some stuff. He wanted to watch one of the movies we brought him. Within seconds he was out. :o)
Thursday was the first day we got to see him. The Airman's Run...

All the squadrons ran down the street, around the block then down the street again, all while chanting. I yelled at him and he heard me...so did the his other flight members. Proud Mom. :o) We did not get to talk to him at this point. After the Airman's Run we had a couple hours before the Coin Ceremony. Hubby and I went back to the hotel room and waited. The Coin Ceremony is when the Airmen really feel like they Graduated. The Graduation Parade is Friday but the Coin Ceremony is when they get their prized coin. After the Coin Ceremony is the first time we get to hugg our Airman. Here are a few picture of the Coin Ceremony...

Their Flight had a surprise inspection and was not ready so they lost most of the Base Pass this day. They only had 1 1/2 hours of a 5 hour pass. We met several of his friends and headed to the Mini-Mall, the local hangout, until he had to go back to the Dorm.
Friday was the Graduation Parade where they are in their Dress Blues and march in front of the General. I do not know all the titles yet so forgive me if I am not calling him by his true rank. Please correct me if you know what it is. :o) Anyway, after the parade we had the privilage to see the dorm. Here are a few pictures of the Parade and the Dorm. And Yes that is his bed and closet. Great Job Son!!

This picture is of his Flight in front of one of many planes on Base right after the Dorm Tour.

Even though there was not much time with our boy we had a wonderful time with him. Quality not quantity. He is off at Tech School now and is doing well. He still has the BMT Yuck! They all get sick in BMT and it lingers for a month or two afterwards. He is very excited since he found out his first duty station is in Florida. Sun and Fun, he says.
Hope all is well your way and I will keep you posted about our Boy, oops Airman. :o)
Love to all
This picture was taken on Friday after taking care of some stuff. He wanted to watch one of the movies we brought him. Within seconds he was out. :o)
Thursday was the first day we got to see him. The Airman's Run...
All the squadrons ran down the street, around the block then down the street again, all while chanting. I yelled at him and he heard me...so did the his other flight members. Proud Mom. :o) We did not get to talk to him at this point. After the Airman's Run we had a couple hours before the Coin Ceremony. Hubby and I went back to the hotel room and waited. The Coin Ceremony is when the Airmen really feel like they Graduated. The Graduation Parade is Friday but the Coin Ceremony is when they get their prized coin. After the Coin Ceremony is the first time we get to hugg our Airman. Here are a few picture of the Coin Ceremony...
Their Flight had a surprise inspection and was not ready so they lost most of the Base Pass this day. They only had 1 1/2 hours of a 5 hour pass. We met several of his friends and headed to the Mini-Mall, the local hangout, until he had to go back to the Dorm.
Friday was the Graduation Parade where they are in their Dress Blues and march in front of the General. I do not know all the titles yet so forgive me if I am not calling him by his true rank. Please correct me if you know what it is. :o) Anyway, after the parade we had the privilage to see the dorm. Here are a few pictures of the Parade and the Dorm. And Yes that is his bed and closet. Great Job Son!!
This picture is of his Flight in front of one of many planes on Base right after the Dorm Tour.
Even though there was not much time with our boy we had a wonderful time with him. Quality not quantity. He is off at Tech School now and is doing well. He still has the BMT Yuck! They all get sick in BMT and it lingers for a month or two afterwards. He is very excited since he found out his first duty station is in Florida. Sun and Fun, he says.
Hope all is well your way and I will keep you posted about our Boy, oops Airman. :o)
Love to all
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Day 54 Quarentine
Yea, you read that right, day 54. It's so crazy to realize it's been that long that we've been isolated. We are retired so even...

Edited post: Pictures have been removed by blogspot. I started this blog for the family and friends who are interested in seeing the pro...
My beautiful niece Miss Mae finally started a blog! :) I have been encouraging her for a couple of months to start one. Just finishing Hi...
Yesterday afternoon I casted on some Fleece Artist Suri Blue I cannot find the color on their website but it is gorgeous! I am knitting th...